1800-1824 Three Sisters Dr,Boca Grande, FL 33921

$ 9,500,000
    1800-1824 Three Sisters Dr,  Boca Grande, FL 33921
    MLS #:D6136324
    Price:$ 9,500,000
    Lot Size:14.53 acres

    Welcome to 1800-1824ThreeSistersDrBocaGrande.IsForSale.com

    An extraordinary multiple home site offering on a serene and picturesque waterfront Island. Three Sisters Island is perfectly situated between Boca Grande and the majestic turquoise waters of Charlotte Harbor. The offering includes 7 home sites, all of which have direct water frontage and enjoy spectacular views. These lots provide direct water access where (within minutes) you can be navigating the Gulf of Mexico, Florida’s Intracoastal Waterways and historic local ports like Boca Grande, Useppa Island, Cabbage Key, Pine Island, Captiva & Sanibel Islands. Sportsman are sure to appreciate this location as you are also minutes away from world class offshore, inshore & back country fishing which is complimented by a local contingent of seasoned fishing guides. Three Sisters close proximity to Boca Grande with its legendary luxury lifestyle is certainly a bonus. There you will find excellent restaurants, lovely boutiques/shops, a grocery store and hardware store. Each lot has access to the main pier which is designed to handle large/heavy deliveries and each lot has its own dedicated slip. There are also four marinas in Boca Grande and three marinas close by on the mainland. Approximately 3.75 acres +/- of uplands and 10.77 acres +/- of submerged land. The Island infrastructure includes underground utilities including electric, water, sewer, telephone and cable service. Please inquire about this unique development opportunity to build up to 7 luxury waterfront homes with exceptional island privacy.
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    *Rates for December 2024. Information displayed is accurate as of the date of the latest update and is subject to change without notice. Loan pricing can only be locked through a home mortgage consultant. Other restrictions may apply. The Rate/APR and other terms may vary from those displayed based on the creditworthiness of the borrower, the type of dwelling, whether the borrower is self-employed, the location of the property and other factors. Please contact a lender in your area to determine what rates you qualify for.

    **Rates calculated from national averages.  To determine rates in your area please contact your local lender.

    Local Schools

    School NameTypeDistanceGreatSchools Rating
    135 1st Street West, Boca Grande FL 33921
    (941) 964-8016
    1.3 mi
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    Data provided by GreatSchools.org ©2023. All rights reserved.

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    Brett Hendricks

    Sales Office

    420 E Railroad Ave
    Boca Grande, FL 33921

    (941) 964-2000

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